
Why We Started Found & Featured

In a world where we can jump on Amazon.com and find 15 of the same product, how do we find something worthy of a special friend, spouse, parent, child or even for ourselves?

There are so many talented and skilled makers across the US and world. Many are making products as a side hobby or small business. And, they don’t have the time or expertise to build a website or set up a retail shop, so they continue to slog at their everyday job, simply waiting for the moment they can return to their craft.

Personally knowing some of these people inspired Found & Featured!

How We Build Stock in Our Store

First, we started with our talented friends and family. Now, we travel backroads of the US and stop in small towns to find unique home decor products and accessories whose makers have captivating stories.

We search out stories of the individual makers, their resourceful materials, and their adventures in honing their craft. These stories are what make each individual item a product of the maker’s enchanting imaginations.  Sometimes rustic, sometimes classy, yet always unique.

You see, what makes a home such a special place are the memories and stories you can share about experiences and the items that fill your home.

Our goal is to provide unique items that you’ll treasure sharing with friends and family. So, the next time you offer someone a drink whether it is a glass of wine or a hot cup of coffee, you can tell them the story of Timber Coins as you hand them a rustic, authentic timber coin (or perhaps it’s a piece of gold stolen by train robbers in the 1800s found in a small town in Iowa by two little boys) to set their drink on.

We hope you enjoy your US-made products and the captivating stories you can share.

Meet our makers.

P.S. If you have a unique product with a story to tell that you’d like featured, please let us know via Contact Us.